Bug fix
Some minor bug fixes on Windows 10.
Easy Hot Key

Easy Hot Key is a software that offers you the opportunity to put useful actions onto every key on your keyboard (of course, the f keys as well). That is for example „Insert text“, „Simulate key combination“, „Open program/directory“, „Adjust colume“ or „Open website“ or . Key combinations are also possible. A detailed list of all actions possible can be found below.
Supported Windows versions: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and 11.
Close all windows
All opened windows are closed
Display desktop
All opened windows are minimized
Display settings
The Display Settings are opened
Control audio/video playback *
Executes one of the actions play, pause, stop, next or previous
Cuts the selected content to clipbard
Hide certain windows *
Specify keywords for hiding certain windows
Open browser
The browser is opened
Control browser *
Controls the browser (next, back, home, favorites, ...)
Date and time
The date and time settings are opened
Insert date/time *
Inserts the current date or time
Open website
A website is opened
Open e-mail application
The e-mail application is opened
Pastes the content from the clipboard
Search the internet *
Opens a search window for Google, Wikipedia, Youtube, eBay, Amazon or Bing
Command line
Executes the command line
Copys the selected content to the clipboard
Adjust volume *
Adjusts the system volume or sets it mute
New folder
Creates a new folder
Open program/directory *
Executes a program or a directory
Close program
Closes the currently opened program
Regional and language settings
The regional and language settings are opened
Opens the Sound Settings
Software list *
The software list is opened
System settings
The system settings are opened
Open control panel
The control panel is opened
Simulate key combination *
Simulates some key combination
Insert text *
Inserts a text at the current cursor position
Show hidden windows *
Specify keywords for showing hidden windows
Open website *
A website is opened
Log off
Causes a log off
Shut down windows *
Shuts down windows
Standby *
Sets windows to standby mode
Reboot windows *
Windows is rebooted